Liquid Rocket Engine
Date: April 2023 - Current
Club: SLO Propulsion Technologies
Location: Cal Poly, SLO
Role: Propulsion/Mechanical/Software
Rapidly developed a 700 lbf liquid rocket engine (nitrous/IPA) and tested within 2 academic quarters (~5 active months)
The engine is designed for the Collegiate Propulsive Lander Competition (CPLC website:
Led 5-person rocketry team to successful engine throttle test, demonstrating throttle control to 16% max thrust
Actively iterating on design, manufacturing, and integration of phenolic ablative thrust chamber assembly (TCA) and nozzle
Independently developed regeneratively cooled engine & owned the entire lifecycle process (design, fab, integration, test)
Performed fluid system sizing analysis to determine manifold, injector, thrust chamber, and valve specifications
Tuned ox and fuel valves and wrote "ignition sequence" code with millisecond accuracy to enable ignition
Overcame hard start engine failure by improving ignition start up sequence and procedure revisions within 7 days
Experienced over 20 different engine failures, analyzed failure modes, and made design & manufacturing improvements
Managed testing operations for over 30 hot-fire tests and responsible for mechanical, fluid, and software system checkouts
Created Kalman filter for thrust sensor feedback, PID throttle control and state machine ignition sequence in C++
Complete ownership over development of 6 Degrees of Free (DOF) simulations, guidance, navigation and control (GN&C) algorithms of hop vehicle
See YouTube video's here:
TVC Milestone Campaign
Throttle Milestone Campaign
Regen Channels
Injector + Manifold
Hot-fire Attempt #6: TVC (CPLC Milestone)
Attempted TVC 10 second hot-fire
TCA Assembly
TCA CAD Assembly
Vehicle in progress...
Dynamics & Control
Date: March 2023
Club: Cal Poly Simulation Lab
Location: Cal Poly, SLO
Role: Modeling, Simulation, Software
Objective: This project was to explore the dynamics and control of an inverted pendulum and act as a testbed for control strategies and demo.
Skills/Technologies Used: MATLAB/Simulink for simulations, C++ for LQR controller, 3D printing and Arduino for implementation and testing.
Modeling and Simulation: Monte-Carlo style simulations to determine realistic constraints and optimal system parameters like pendulum length, mass, and motor torque specifications etc.
Implementation: An LQR controller was developed to compute optimal control inputs based on the current state measured by an Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU) to maintain upright stability.
Results and Learnings: The project successfully modeled and simulated the dynamics of an inverted pendulum and implemented an LQR controller to achieve self stability.
Electric Car - 1,000+ Mile Distance Car
Date: October 2022 - June 2023
Club: Prototype Vehicle Laboratory
Location: Cal Poly, SLO
Role: Aeroshell Team: Carbon Composite Manufacturing / mechanical design
Door Hinging IDR
Thrust Vector Control Model Rocket
Date: June 2022 - Spring 2023
Club: Personal Project + Cal Poly Undergraduate Research
Location: Cal Poly, SLO
Role: Software/Mechanical/Electronics
TVC Rocket PID control software github: